Geodata for Railroad Simulation

In this post, we want to shed light on geodata for railroad applications with a special focus on simulation for driver training. Engineering simulation is another use case, and the big difference is that engineering will shape reality whereas drivers and operators will consume it...

Important Steps of Geodata Processing

Without data there is no simulation and no operations and we all know that there is no "one size fits all" data source. Thus, let’s talk about the processing steps of geodata to fill a data lake...

Smart City Blast from the Past

Have you read about Toyota's plan to build a smart city called "Woven City"? Sounds like future becoming reality but sometimes history is repeating itself...

Stakeholders of Mobility

There are more stakeholders involved in mobility than you might think initially. Let's have a walk through the most important ones...

Geodata in Simulation

Simulation tries to resemble reality by means of engineering models; and it comes with a purpose. What data you need and how they are processed depends on the actual application...

About Tracks and Lanes

In German track (Spur) and lane (Fahrstreifen) are often mixed up but they are not the same. A road lane can host single and double track vehicles even with different tracks. But a track is not a lane...