Light (and Dark) Summer Reading
Summer was in full swing and people left for vacation to try to get a break from the rat race… but you can’t escape geodata! Lately more and more people asking themselves is summer getting hotter or rainier...
Mapping Outside the Box
In our blog we often talk about geodata in the road domain. In the last years some interesting geodata from outside the box got released and we have a sneak peak into it...
Show the Invisible
With the help of a good map you can find traces you barely can see in reality. This story is about preserving history using geodata...
Neglecting Accuracy
Public transport is part of our daily mobility business. But since some decades public transport is mapped in a schematic way. The question is why, because it started with geographically accurate representation...
Last Year’s Leftovers
2023 was, again, a year of extremes. We don’t want to be too political, thus let’s focus on some absurdities we have found in the ordinary world...
Experts’ Voices: Sum – es – est – SUMO – estis – sunt
How often do you get a chance to talk first-hand to the brain behind an established product with worldwide impact? Well, we did and had a great chat with Jakob Erdmann, chief designer, developer, support etc. of the open-source tool Simulation of Urban MObility...
Claim your Claim
We once pointed out that borders are often just imaginative lines and could be confusing regarding the jurisdiction. Here we see that this concerns our daily life...
To Build the Smartest and the most Interoperable Map in/about the World
Recently two announcements caught our attention: TomTom wants to build the smartest map in the world and the Linux Foundation wants to build interoperable open map data. Let’s look behind the scenes...
People’s Republic Perspective
Have you ever visited China using a map service and asked yourself, why the road networks are not matching the aerial images? And when checking in China, everything fits?...
Missing the Forest of Traffic Signs for the Trees
Traffic signs should be self-explaining, but can you tell? And could a self-driving system it?...